Identity Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What are you?" [Julie] whispers. (1.3.17)

R responds, "I'm Sookie Stackhouse, and I'm a waitress." Okay, not really. He just groans and walks away, but if he had seen True Blood he totally would have made that joke with her. Jokes are a good way to deflect that you have NO CLUE who you really are.

Quote #5

Bodies are just meat. [...] The part of her that matters most... we get to keep that. (1.4.22)

This is a good way to look at identity. You are your personality, not the shell it resides in. After you die, it's your identity that will live on in the memories of others.

Quote #6

"I'm just... still alive. A wreck in progress." (1.7.60)

Julie identifying herself as a "wreck in progress" shows us that she knows she's made mistakes in the past and she's going to continue to make them. It may not be ideal, but at least she's realistic.