Change Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We'll see what happens when we say yes while this rigor mortis world screams no. (1.10.239)

This quote reminds us of The Beatles "Hello, Goodbye," which is referenced a couple times in this book. R says yes, the world says no, it says stop, and R says go go go. The world says goodbye, but he says hello.

Quote #5

I'm fairly sure Julie's question has never, ever been asked before. (2.2.96)

Julie's question is about kissing a zombie. We'd google "kissing a zombie" to see if this has ever been asked before, but we're scared of what the results might be. Also, we don't want that saved in our browser cache. Who knew that all it takes to change the world is a little necrophilia?

Quote #6

"There's still hope, that we can turn things around somehow, blah f***ing blah. It's just... getting a lot harder to believe lately." (2.2.172)

Change requires hope. Even though Julie's yellow hope wall is blank, it's still, you know, there. She may not be the best at coming up with ideas (see 2.6) but she's got hope, so that's something.