WALL-E Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from WALL-E.

Quote #4

[When a laser beam appears on the ground, WALL-E chases it and almost gets landed on by spaceship.]

Here, WALL-E's catlike curiosity is almost the death of him. If only there was a well-known saying for that…

Quote #5

[EVE flies around scanning her environment looking for plantlife.]

EVE being a probe is a super-high tech version of the probes NASA currently sends into space to explore the moon, planets, and even comets.

Quote #6

[WALL-E looks at the stars, and backwards toward Earth, then almost floats away in zero gravity. As they fly near the rings of a planet and runs his little hand through the icy crystals.]

This is WALL-E's first time leaving Earth. As a robot, WALL-E has the opportunity to do things that humans can't, in the cold vacuum of space, like touch the rings of Saturn or fly close to the sun. But the most touching part of all this is when WALL-E tries to get EVE's attention. Sure, the trip is a blast, but he wants someone to share it with.