Walk Two Moons Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Phoebe said, "Are these cheerleading tryouts such a big deal? Will you even remember them in five years?"

"Yes!" Prudence said. "Yes, I most certainly will." (17.32-33)

Will you, Prudence? Will you really? While Prudence wants more than anything to be part of the cheerleading team, Sal wants more than anything to see her mother again. They are very different young women with very different priorities.

Quote #8

Three weeks later he put the farm up for sale. By this time he was receiving letters from Mrs. Cadaver, and I knew that he was answering her letters. Then he drove up to see Mrs. Cadaver while I stayed with Gram and Gramps. When he came back, he said we were moving to Euclid. Mrs. Cadaver had helped him find a job. (18.21)

How do you think Sal's memories of this time change (if they change at all) once she learns who Mrs. Cadaver really is? Sal's memory of this time period seems overly simplified and very general. She doesn't want to ask her dad what is really going on between him and Mrs. Cadaver.

Quote #9

That day, as Mr. Birkway talked about Greek mythology, I started daydreaming about my mother, who loved books almost as much as she loved all her outdoor treasures. She liked to carry little books in her pocket and sometimes when we were out in the fields, she would flop down in the grass and start reading aloud. (19.22)

Don't you think it's interesting that Mr. Birkway reminds Sal of her mother? It's an unlikely comparison, but it goes to show just how much Sal remembers every little detail about her mom, from the little books she carries in her pocket to the way she moves.