Walk Two Moons Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He said to me, "It wasn't your fault, Sal—it wasn't because she carried you. You mustn't think that."

I didn't believe him. I hobbled into my mother's room and crawled up on the bed beside her. She was staring at the ceiling. (23.32-33)

Can you imagine being a young girl and feeling responsible for the death of your unborn sibling and for the fact that your mom can never again have kids? That's a lot of guilt for one person to carry around, let alone a young girl who is just growing up. Poor Sal.

Quote #8

"But if we don't have any news by tomorrow," Phoebe said, "we should definitely call the police. We've waited too long already. What if she's tied up somewhere and waiting for us to rescue her?" (25.45)

Phoebe is still trying to catch fish in the air because the thought that her mom might have left of her own free will is just too plain painful to consider.

Quote #9

"I don't believe that Mom called Mrs. Cadaver. Mrs. Cadaver is making it up. Mrs. Cadaver probably killed her and chopped her up. I'm calling the police." (27.10)

Once again, Mrs. Cadaver becomes a very convenient villain, only this time, she's Phoebe's villain (and not Sal's). Both girls blame their mothers' disappearances on Mrs. Cadaver.