Walk Two Moons Death and Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My mother, my father, and I all seemed fine and happy at our house until the baby died. Could you actually say that the baby died, since it had never breathed? Did its birth and death occur at the same moment? Could you die before you were born? (27.36)

These are hefty thoughts for someone to have at such a young age. How does Sal's baby sibling's death affect her? How are things different after this baby dies?

Quote #11

I went barreling on as if it was my poem and I was an expert. "The waves, with their 'soft, white hands' grab the traveler. They drown him. They kill him. He's gone." (29.7)

Here, we get Sal's interpretation of the poem "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Do you agree with her reading of it? Take a look at the poem and tell us what you think.