Isolation Quotes in A Walk in the Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That stick [...] had become all but part of me. It was a link with my children, whom I missed more than I can tell you. I felt like weeping. (1.12.49)

Bryson's walking stick provides him with an important connection to his family. That's a big deal for him. After all, he could meet a million new friends on the Appalachian Trail but he'd still feel a little lonely being separated from his family. Gotta love the Bryson Bunch.

Quote #8

There didn't seem to be another person within fifty miles. I pushed on, filled with mild disquiet, feeling like someone swimming too far from shore. (2.14.9)

Yikes. Here, we see Bryson struggle with real isolation after Katz leaves the trail for a few months. Though the kooky Stephen Katz drives him crazy at times, Bryson values him as a companion and truly misses him when he's gone. Dude's got a craving for Katz… and he doesn't care who knows it.

Quote #9

Personally, I would have been pleased to be waling now through hamlets and past farms rather than through some silent "protected corridor." (2.15.29)

At a certain point, Bryson gets a little annoyed by the intentionally isolated design of the Appalachian Trail. The woods are great and all, but he'd give his right arm to be able to stroll alongside a quaint farm or tiny country shack. A Burger King would be a nice too, but beggars can't be choosers.