Vertigo Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Vertigo.

Quote #4

SCOTTIE: Not tweed—it's a smoother material, with a larger collar and belted.

Here are just a few of the explicit instructions Scottie gives as to what Judy should look like. He "knows what he wants," as the saleswoman in the clothing store says. And what he wants is to symbolically bring Madeleine back from the dead by transforming poor Judy. He thinks that if creates the look he can create his own reality.

Quote #5

(SCOTTIE sees JUDY wearing Carlotta's necklace and he starts to realize what has been going on.)

As viewers, our reality changed after the revealing flashback, but we knew what Scottie did not know. Now that he knows, how does our reality change again?

Quote #6

SCOTTIE: Not just the hair and the clothes! The look! The manner! The words! Those beautiful phony trances! That jump into the Bay! I bet you're really a strong swimmer, aren't you? Aren't you?!

Near the very end of Vertigo, Scottie tragically realizes that he's been deceived. Note that "beautiful" and "phony" go together here; Scottie's finally figured that out. Scottie's out of his mind with anger. We can't blame him—not only has he lost his fantasy lover, but his entire interpretation of reality has just come crashing down. Scottie thinks that knowing the truth will let him put the past behind him, cure his acrophobia, and move on with his life. Our guess? He's on his way to another visit to the sanitarium.