Vertigo The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Vertigo.

Quote #4

MIDGE: Well, now, Johnny-O … Was it a ghost? And was it fun?

When Midge speaks these lines, she's just seen Madeleine leave Scottie's apartment. Assuming the two have had a make-out session, Midge sees this as a 100% human encounter. She's also covering up her own hurt with sarcastic humor.

Quote #5

WOMAN WITH CAR: Oh! You know him! And his wife? The poor thing. I didn't know her. Tell me—is it true that she really believed—

Evidently Elster has spread around the story that his wife thought she was possessed by a spirit. It's a juicy story and a perfect cover-up.

Quote #6

POP LEIBEL: Sad Carlotta. Alone in the great house... walking the streets alone, her clothes becoming old and patched and dirty. The Mad Carlotta... stopping people in the streets to ask, "Where is my child? Have you seen my child?"

An authority on San Francisco history, Pop Leibel relates the story of the woman whose spirit is possessing Madeleine. At this point, Scottie's gone from a skeptic to someone actively looking for evidence to support the supernatural hypothesis. What changed? Is it his growing infatuation with Madeleine? It's like he's possessed as well.