Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Vampire Academy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Images—hers, not mine—tumbled through my mind: fire and blood, the smell of smoke, the twisted metal of a car. The pictures wrapped around me, suffocating me, until some rational part of my brain reminded me that this wasn't my dream. (1.2)

Trapped inside Lissa's nightmares about the night of the car accident, Rose has nothing to do but wait… until her friend wakes up. It's super cool that she can read her friend's mind, but it's no fun when Lissa is plagued by dark emotions and images.

Quote #2

They were in the middle of setting up when we entered the gym, and just like in the commons, all eyes fell on me. I couldn't decide if I felt like a rock star or a circus freak. (3.14)

Back at the academy, Rose is a different kind of trapped. She's stuck in a world where everyone knows her—or of her at least—and she can't escape her social stigma or race. This is our first glimpse at the fact that rumors spread like wildfire around the academy, and someone is always bound to get burned.

Quote #3

My days revolved around church, lunch with Lissa, and whatever sort of social life I could scrape together outside of that. Denied any real free time, I didn't have too hard a time staying out of the spotlight although I did manage to steal a little attention here and there. (7.1)

Since she sprung Lissa out of the academy and high-tailed it to Portland, Rose is in big trouble. She hates being confined to her room and not getting to live it up like before she left, but Rose quickly figures out the best thing for her to do is train… and train… and train until she can't train any more.