Utopia Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Page) based on the 1989 Cambridge University Press edition

Quote #4

The limit on adults [in a Utopian household] is easily observed by transferring individuals from a household with too many into a household with not enough. (2.55)

Wow, these Utopians do take social equality very seriously—and very literally. What purpose does having an equal number of people per household serve?

Quote #5

At the middle of the first table in the highest part of the dining hall sits the syphogrant with his wife. This is the place of greatest honor... (2.59)

Does this scene of Utopian dinning count as hierarchical? We're a little confused. Can you find any other possibly contradictory moments like this in the text?

Quote #6

The phantom of false pleasure is illustrated by other men who run mad with delight over their own blue blood, flatter themselves on their nobility, and gloat over all their rich ancestors... (2.72)

We love this image of the phantom, which nicely adds to the mysteriousness of Hythloday's character. The unspoken contrast to this "false phantom" would be the very real pleasure they get in Utopia from honoring actual virtuous behavior.