Utopia Philosophical Viewpoints: Political Philosophy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Page) based on the 1989 Cambridge University Press edition

Quote #7

"...I would advise the king to look after his ancestral kingdom [...] he should love his people and be loved by them; he should live among them, govern them kindly, and let other governments alone, since his own is big enough, if not too big, for him. How do you think, my dear More, the other councillors would take this speech of mine?"

"Not very well, I'm sure," said I (1.31)

Hythloday is very fond of these kind of "thought experiments," in which he imagines a situation in order to prove his point. (In fact, we might even think of Utopia as one, long thought-experiment.)

Quote #8

There is another philosophy, better suited for the political arena […] this is the philosophy for you to use (1.36)

In disagreement with Hythloday, More suggests that philosophy can be realistic; you just need to know how to communicate it.

Quote #9

From this class of scholars [in Utopia] are chosen ambassadors, priests [...] and the prince himself[...] (2.53)

We're pretty down with the idea the scholars should be running things. We think. On second thought, let us sleep on it.