Utopia Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Page) based on the 1989 Cambridge University Press edition

Quote #4

Anyone who wants to visit friends in another city [in Utopia], or simply to see the place itself, can easily obtain permissions from his syphogrant and tranibor (2.60)

You need permission to travel in Utopia? That's not so adventurous. How does Hythloday reconcile how much he's learned from free travel with this Utopian policy?

Quote #5

Wherever [Utopians] go [in Utopia], though they take nothing with them, they never lack for anything because they are at home everywhere. If they stay more than a day in one place, each man practices his trade there, and is kindly received by the local artisan (2.60)

While the idea of being always at home is comforting, it takes some of the adventure out of traveling. Are Utopians anti-adventure? Are the Europeans supposed to emulate that?

Quote #6

Before leaving on the fourth voyage, I placed on board, instead of merchandise, a good-sized packet of books; for I had resolved not to return at all rather than come home soon (2.78)

A man after Shmoop's own heart.