Revenge Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I pointed the revolver at his belly and shot him down. (7.19, 20, 24)

Oops. Mattie may be a girl on a mission, but it seems like she hasn't had much experience with the nuts and bolts of revenge missions. Here, Chaney taunts her for forgetting to cock her gun, not expecting that she's actually going to shoot him. He's wrong.

Quote #8

My hand was swelled and turned black, and then my wrist. On the third day Dr. Medill gave me a sizeable dose of morphine and amputated my arm just above the elbow with a little surgical saw.

Sometimes revenge has a hefty price tag attached—and there's no use waiting for the sale. We're pretty sure that Mattie would have been happy to give up both arms to get her revenge—but maybe not. Maybe she would have just stayed home. What do you think?

Quote #9

This ends my true account of how I avenged Frank Ross' blood over in Choctaw Nation when snow was on the ground. (7.337)

Ooh. Chills. Here, the novel's last line works with the first line to frame the novel around the idea of revenge. As far as Mattie is concerned, everything else the novel deals with is just the distracting cherry on top of her revenge sundae.