Justice and Judgment Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Rooster said, "Yes this is the famous horse killer from El Paso, Texas. His idea is to put everybody on foot. He says it will limit their mischief." (6.511)

Teehee. Rooster may just be teasing LaBoeuf about accidentally shooting Ned Pepper's horse instead of Ned Pepper, but he's got a point. If LaBoeuf hadn't prematurely fired, a whole lot of lives might have been spared, and maybe even Mattie's arm. Still, it's not quite fair to judge LaBoeuf based on this one incident.

Quote #8

I hurriedly cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger. The charge exploded and sent a lead ball of justice, too long delayed, into the criminal heart of Tom Chaney. (7.241)

Yikes. Check out that "lead ball of justice": this is pretty clear evidence that Mattie associates death with justice. She's not going to be happy until Chaney is dead—and she's not going to have to wait too much longer.