To an Athlete Dying Young Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

With all that rhyming and those repeated four line stanzas, you probably could tell "To an Athlete Dying Young" was following some kind of form and meter, even if you couldn't name it. Never fear,...


In "To an Athlete Dying Young," we get a pretty clear sense of our speaker and you might even find yourself feeling a kind of connection with him. This is happening for a couple of reasons.First, i...


The setting jumps around a little in this one, but we end up spending most of the poem in the graveyard where the athlete's funeral takes place. Since we end up spending most of our time in a grave...

Sound Check

Read "To an Athlete Dying Young" aloud and you'll realize pretty quickly that sound is a major player in this one.First off, there is a kind of galloping rhythm (for more on what's causing that gal...

What's Up With the Title?

This title is nice and clear. We like clear. And it's honest. We like honest. The poem that follows this title is exactly what the title advertises: a poem about an athlete who dies young. Thanks A...

Calling Card

Housman didn't mess around with free verse. He was a form guy and he liked his rhymes. He also liked to keep things pretty plainspoken in the diction department. Housman usually went with simple an...


Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young" is a pretty straightforward trek. Just be sure you bring along your dictionary to help you navigate a few tricky vocabulary passes. You should probably bring a...


Housman's first manuscript got turned down for publication, so he published it himself. Who says self-publishing is for losers? (Source.)Meryl Streep's character reads "To an Athlete Dying Young" i...

Steaminess Rating

The "G" pretty much says it all. If you're looking for the racy stuff, look elsewhere.