Thirteen Reasons Why Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Alex's list was a joke. A bad one, true. But he had no idea it would affect her like this. This isn't fair. (4.48)

Alex admits to Clay that there's no truth behind the rumor that he and Hannah were involved sexually or romantically. We aren't proud of Alex and his list, but we don't see it as unforgiveable. Maybe the point is that there's a general lack of communication going on here, and it's showing in the characters' relationships.

Quote #5

Tyler, wherever you are, I am so sorry. You deserve this, but I'm sorry. (6.209)

There isn't really enough evidence to convince us that Tyler is the Peeping Tom. If he is, do you agree with Clay that he deserves to be on the tapes? Why or why not?

Quote #6

"What makes us so different from him?"

"Nothing. It's ridiculous [. . . ]. I don't belong on those tapes. Hannah just wanted an excuse to kill herself." (7.180-84)

That's some interesting logic, Marcus. Clay wants to know why Tyler is being singled out, getting rocks thrown at his window, when everybody on the tapes is guilty. Marcus, on the other hand, is making a scapegoat out of Tyler; placing the blame on him when really Marcus himself is just as guilty.