There's been a Death, in the Opposite House Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: [Stanzas. Lines]

Quote #4

It's easy as a Sign —
The Intuition of the News —
In just a Country Town — (22-24)

After listing all of the participants by name, the speaker uses the last lines of this poem to summarize his impressions and to bring the town together. All of the people and their activities are "a Sign" and contribute to an intuition of the news of this death. The town itself has it within itself to read the signs of this death, to understand, as one. It's not only the one observer-turned-speaker now; he speaks of the whole "Country Town." Notice how Dickinson says it's just, which means "merely," but conveys a sense of justice or rightness. It's as if she's saying, how it is, is how it should be.