There's been a Death, in the Opposite House Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: [Stanzas. Lines]

Quote #4

It's easy as a Sign —
The Intuition of the News —
In just a Country Town — (22-24)

Leave it to Dickinson to act like she's giving us a kind of moral at the end of her list of death's attendants, but making it a riddle instead. She says it's easy, but is any of her poetry ever completely easy? A lot of the meaning of these lines lives in the word "Intuition." You should know that Dickinson created her own kind of dictionary of terms that meant something to her and her alone. Here's one of her definitions: "By intuition, Mightiest Things Assert themselves -- and not by terms—" (source). This inner perceptiveness is crucial to a poet, one who lives through observation. It's interesting to see that she attributes this capacity to the whole town.