Women and Femininity Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He said I wasn't enough of a woman, that I confused him, sexually—that I was confused sexually!" Roberta cried. "Oh, God, that prick. All he wanted was the novelty of it. He was just showing off for his friends." (12.28)

Roberta is confronted with the complexities of gender more than most. Her unique situation gives her an intimate understanding of how men think because she was once seen as one.

Quote #8

In Roberta's heart of hearts, Garp and Jenny knew, she was more feminine than anyone; but in her body of bodies, she was a highly trained rock. (14.136)

Of course, there's nothing contradictory about this—women can be buff, too. Jeez, we're living in a post-Chyna world, people.

Quote #9

The divorced women from New York allegedly were moving into New Hampshire in droves. Their intentions were to turn New Hampshire women into lesbians. (16.352)

Once Jenny Fields starts a movement, she becomes a victim of good old-fashioned political slander. Feminism or not, politics can get ugly—and stupid—fast.