Mortality Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When Jenny Garp was born, Helen said nothing. Helen was grateful; she felt for the first time since the accident that she was delivered from the insanity of grief that had crushed her with the loss of Walt. (16.24)

You can't cheat death, but you sure can create new life. Jenny Garp is no replacement for Walt, but she reminds the family that life goes on.

Quote #8

The audience didn't know whether to applaud or to pray—whether to voice approval or nod grimly. The atmosphere was one of mourning and one of ardent togetherness. (17.120)

Garp has an affecting experience at his mother's funeral. The experience shows him that death doesn't have to be met with depression—it can also be met with unity and togetherness.

Quote #9

"Death, it seems," Garp wrote, "does not have to wait until we are prepared for it. Death is indulgent and enjoys, when it can, a flair for the dramatic." (17.253)

There's nothing Garp like more than writing a good death scene. In fact, we imagine that he wouldn't be disappointed with the one that Irving cooks up for him.