Memory and the Past Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Duncan said that sometimes it was as if his missing right eye was not entirely gone. "It's like I can still see out of it, sometimes, Duncan said. "But it's like a memory—it's not real." (14.214)

In some ways, Duncan's eye becomes a phantom limb. This unique experience will go on to become integral to his art.

Quote #5

Memories and personal histories—"all the recollected traumas of our unmemorable lives"—were suspicious models for fiction, Garp would say. (16.130)

Garp doesn't understand why memories hold more value to the public than imagination. That being said, Garp doesn't become successful until he exposes his deepest, darkest memories.

Quote #6

Garp liked showing Duncan and Helen around. He enjoyed his personal history tour, mixed with the guidebook history of Vienna. "And this is where Hitler stood when he first addressed the city. And this is where I used to shop on Saturday mornings." (16.336)

Memory is not static, like a photo or video. Instead, memories constantly change shape and rearrange themselves until the actual truth of what happened is indistinguishable.