Lust Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Garp found that he could forget her; lust, as his mother called it, was tricky that way. (6.68)

Lust without love is unsustainable. The trick, of course, is to find someone who stirs both emotions.

Quote #5

Garp didn't want a daughter, because of men. Because of bad men, certainly; but even, he thought, because of men like me. (7.241)

Garp would never do something to a woman against her will, but even he must admit that his lustful sexuality can be just as harmful to the people he encounters.

Quote #6

He meant that he had outgrown baby-sitters. But lust itself? Ah, well. Jenny Fields had fingered a problem at the heart of her son's heart. (8.52)

Garp's chief flaw is something that Jenny knows nothing about. He must've gotten it from his dad's side of the family—no one was more unashamedly sexual than the elder T.S. Garp.