The Wife's Lament Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Wife's Lament? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. "The Wife's Lament" can best be classified as which sort of poem?

The bad kind
Q. What is the cause of the speaker's sorrow, as revealed in line 5?

The death of her husband
She was bullied by her husband's kinsmen
She broke a nail
Q. Where does the speaker take up residence in exile?

Under the cliffs by the seaside
In a monastery
A cave beneath an oak tree
A lovely two bedroom craftsman with 2.5 baths and a walk-in closet
Q. What does the speaker recommend to heartbroken young men?

Bear your sorrow to the world
Put on a smile and hide your heartbreak
Write an elegy about your heartbreak
Ice cream, obviously. That's the only way.
Q. Which term best describes the poem's final couplet?
