The Shining Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Shining.

Quote #4

ULLMAN: He ran amok and killed his family with an axe.

Ullman is hesitant to tell the story about how Delbert Grady killed his family with an axe, but he knows he should tell it just to let Jack Torrance know what he's getting himself into. Jack says he's fine, but in hindsight we know this isn't the case.

Quote #5

ULLMAN: The police eh... they thought that it was what the old-timers used to call cabin fever.

The only thing worse than being stuck by yourself in isolation can be getting stuck with one or two other people. "Cabin fever" refers to the way people get stressed out and frustrated with each other when they're cooped up in the same space for too long. According to Ullman, this might have been what caused Delbert Grady to murder his family.

Quote #6

ULLMAN: Well, obviously some people can be put off by the idea of staying alone in a place where something like that actually happened.

Ullman wanted to mention the whole Delbert Grady thing because he knows that some people might be weirded out by filling the same job a murderer did. But Jack isn't concerned at all. If anything, he's overly confident about his ability to take care of the Overlook.