Tradition and Customs Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Every year the Scorpio Festival is held a week after the horses emerge. (24.12)

The emerging of the capaill is a seasonal event, like butterfly migration. Maybe the tradition arose as a way to keep their populations under control as well. Not all the capaill survive either.

Quote #5

I think about the Scorpio Festival tomorrow, how the riders' parade this year will be me and Mutt and insane Kate Connolly. [...] "Mr. Holly, nothing about this month is turning out to be normal." (27.11)

If everything was the same year after year, we wouldn't have a book. Drama arises when tradition goes awry, and that's exactly what happens in The Scorpio Races.

Quote #6

"You have to go finalize your registration." (28.15)

The Scorpio Races have a lot of fun traditions—like the Scorpio Festival—but they also have some crappy ones, like paperwork.