Loyalty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The capaill uisce killed my parents. I'm not going to dishonor them by riding one of the water horses." (16.61)

Here we see that Puck is loyal to the memory of her parents. Later she reconsiders when she thinks that riding a capall is the only way she can win. Do you think her parents would forgive her if she did?

Quote #5

I can't go without Corr. (20.20)

Just as Puck is loyal to her family, Sean is loyal to his. So what if Corr is a different species? He and Sean have practically grown up together, and Sean wouldn't pull a Gabe and leave him behind.

Quote #6

I know what I say dictates who he puts Mutt on this November. I don't want to answer truthfully, but there is no point lying, as he'll find out eventually. (22.55)

Malvern and Sean's relationship is complicated. You'd think Malvern would be loyal to his own son, but he still puts Sean on the fastest horse. Malvern is loyal to one thing—money—and he knows Sean is his best bet at having one of his riders win the races.