Competition Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Me on the mare, you on Dove?" (26.41)

We're not sure if Sean races Puck and Dove because he wants the easy ego boost, or if he wants to show Puck how futile it is for her to even try to win.

Quote #8

There's no thrill to this race. No pleasure in such an easy victory. (26.61)

Sean's competitive nature does have an honorable side. He's not one to relish the easy victory, so he must have challenged Puck to a race for her own good, not for his own glory.

Quote #9

For the first time, winning doesn't seem like enough. (30.23)

By the halfway point of the novel, Sean is competing for something other than the Scorpio Race purse: he's competing for Corr's freedom, and for his own.