Memory Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If he was going to get through this, he'd have to try to forget about her for now. (9.26)

Pushing memories into the back of your mind is pretty hard to do, but in some cases it's vital. Thomas needs to forget about Teresa, despite how much it hurts him to do so.

Quote #5

His sense of direction surprised him, as if a piece of his past had risen from the ashes. (17.30)

Remember, Thomas had some kind of part in constructing the Maze, so when he has an oddly good sense of direction while in the Flat Trans, it makes us wonder if Thomas constructed the rest of the Trials as well.

Quote #6

As much as it pained him, as much as the memory of it tore at his heart, Thomas told the story. (21.23)

It pains Thomas to tell the story of his experience in the shed with Teresa. But the memory needs to be known to the public; some memories shouldn't always be kept to oneself, for example if they involve the safety and well-being of other people.