Friendship Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Yeah. I can't quit worrying about my other friends. I just hate it so bad that we were separated." (35.4)

Again, Thomas's feelings of separation cause him some massive anxiety. Without his friends, he feels weakened.

Quote #8

That was it. He'd officially and completely lost any trace of doubt. Teresa had turned against him. Or maybe she had never really been on his side. (49.14)

Mmm, being stabbed in the back is a pretty bad feeling, but being stabbed in the back by your best friend can have some pretty damaging effects on your sense of reality and even your sense of self. Throw some romance into the mix, too, and now you've got yourself a pretty nasty brew of emotions.

Quote #9

Two people who every instinct had told him were friends. Until now. (50.23)

Yeah, because "The Betrayer" was definitely going to be your friend, Thomas. Right? What was Thomas thinking, anyway? Oh, right—nothing.