The Man Quotes

The Man > The Woman

Quote 16

[The Man:] Will you tell him [The Boy] goodbye?

[The Woman:] No. I will not.

[The Man:] Just wait till morning. Please.

[The Woman:] I have to go.

She had already stood up.

[The Man:] For the love of God, woman. What am I to tell him?

[The Woman:] I cant help you.

[The Man:] Where are you going to go? You cant even see.

[The Woman:] I dont have to.

He stood up. I'm begging you, he said.

[The Woman:] No. I will not. I cannot. (93.25-93.35)

Ouch. The Boy's mother leaves without so much as a good-bye. We think this passage functions as a barometer of how bad things get in The Road. It's not that The Boy's mother is really cruel (OK, maybe she's a little cruel) but that the world now strikes her as incredibly hopeless. She chooses not to fight against that hopelessness. Of course, The Boy still has his father's love, but you can imagine the absence The Boy must feel because his mother leaves so suddenly.

The Man > The Boy

Quote 17

[The Boy:] Do you think somebody is coming?

[The Man:] Yes. Sometime.

[The Boy:] You said nobody was coming.

[The Man:] I didnt mean ever.

[The Boy:] I wish we could live here.

[The Man:] I know.

[The Boy:] We could be on the lookout.

[The Man:] We are on the lookout.

[The Boy:] What if some good guys came?

[The Man:] Well, I dont think we're likely to meet any good guys on the road.

[The Boy:] We're on the road.

[The Man:] I know. (224.8-224.19)

The Boy makes a very good point here. Supposedly there aren't any good guys on the road – but aren't they on the road? This could mean a couple things. One, it could mean The Man and The Boy aren't actually "good guys" since no "good guys" travel the road. We're inclined to disagree with that statement. (Disclosure: We do have a soft spot for these characters, but that's only because they try really hard to be good people.) Or, it could mean these The Man and The Boy are completely alone – the only "good guys" left on the road.

The Boy > The Man

Quote 18

[The Boy:] There are other guys. You said so.

[The Man:] Yes.

[The Boy:] So where are they?

[The Man:] They're hiding.

[The Boy:] Who are they hiding from?

[The Man:] From each other.

[The Boy:] Are there lots of them?

[The Man:] We dont know.

[The Boy:] But some.

[The Man:] Some. Yes.

[The Boy:] Is that true?

[The Man:] Yes. That's true.

[The Boy:] But it might not be true.

[The Man:] I think it's true.

[The Boy:] Okay.

[The Man:] You dont believe me.

[The Boy:] I believe you.

[The Man:] Okay.

[The Boy:] I always believe you.

[The Man:] I dont think so.

[The Boy:] Yes I do. I have to. (254.1-254.21)

Let's get this straight, Mr. McCarthy. So there might be other "good guys" out there in the world, but The Man isn't sure. And if there are other "good guys" out there, they're hiding from each other and therefore unlikely to ever meet. Which means The Man and The Boy are unlikely to meet any other good souls on the road?