Rules and Order Quotes in The Red Pyramid

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You see gods have great power, but only humans have creativity, the power to change history rather than simply repeat it." (15.97)

Order is good and all, but if it's too rigid and untouched by creativity, then people and gods are doomed to repeat the same old stories over and over again.

Quote #5

Through the Duat, I saw magic forming around me, weaving a white sheen over the world, reinforcing Ma'at and expelling chaos. (40.34)

As Sadie prepares the spell to banish Set, she experiences firsthand the power of Ma'at. It sounds like quite a rush. Once again, there seems to be a connection between magic and order. How are these things related?

Quote #6

"I tried to mediate a solution to prevent the battle. That is one of my jobs, you know: to keep balance between order and chaos." (23.128)

Apparently maintaining a balance between order and chaos is so important that the Egyptians had to put it in Thoth's job description. We're sincerely hoping that he doesn't get so distracted by his research that he forgets to do his job. Why do you think it's Thoth who is placed in charge of this? Does it have something to do with knowledge and wisdom?