The Prologue Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do you think it's important to balance pride in your accomplishments with humility? Does the speaker in this poem seem to be doing a good job of striking that balance? What parts of the poem support your answer?
  2. Do you feel like we encourage men and women to be equally competitive today? How would you compare our attitudes about competition to what you read in this poem?
  3. Have you ever felt like you couldn't do something simply because of who you are? Where does a message like that come from? What might the speaker have to say about that?
  4. Do people have to be equal in order to be happy? How do you think the speaker of this poem would answer that question?
  5. Is the speaker of this poem someone you'd like to hang out with? Do you feel like you got to know her in these 48 lines? What parts of the poem support your answer?