Society and Class Quotes in The Price of Salt, or Carol

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'll tell you one thing, I think your friend knows what she's doing. I think she's committing a crime against you." (13.29)

It's difficult to tell if Richard says this because Carol is older, because she's a woman, or both. But the same-sex relationship is not acceptable in society. Richard would probably have a different reaction if Carol were a man.

Quote #8

She thought of people she had seen holding hands in movies, and why shouldn't she and Carol? (16.19)

Again we see a hint of Therese's disregard for societal norms. She wants to hold hands with Carol in public, but Carol won't let her. Therese also doesn't really try, so she only thinks about rebelling but doesn't actually do it.

Quote #9

"In the eyes of the world it's an abomination." (16.85)

This is probably the strongest word speaking out against same-sex people in the book. How have attitudes changed since 1950, and in what ways are they the same? Which parts of society still believe that same-sex relationships are an "abomination"?