How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I don't love you, but I like you." (5.60)
This is Therese to Richard, and it seems like Richard is the opposite—he loves Therese but doesn't actually like her, which makes us wonder if he understands what love is. If he liked Therese as a friend, he might be a little more understanding about what she's going through.
Quote #5
Was it love or wasn't it that she felt for Carol? And how absurd it was that she didn't even know. (8.77)
How does a person know when they're in love? It's a difficult emotion to define, which is why entire books are written about it. The only thing Therese can know for sure is that Carol makes her feel really good.
Quote #6
"Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?" (9.41)
A forbidden aspect almost always enhances the feelings of love. See: Romeo and Juliet. Carol and Therese also have a forbidden-love aspect to their relationship because being a lesbian isn't socially acceptable.