The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 15 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Therese takes Carol a towel and eyeballs her naked bod in the bathtub.
  • Then she goes to get Carol her clothes from her suitcase—and she finds a gun instead.
  • Carol says she brought it, but she doesn't expect to go all Thelma and Louise on anyone.
  • They continue on their road trip, and eventually stop in Chicago.
  • That night, Therese tells Carol she loves her.
  • Carol says, "Don't you know I love you?" (15.89), and kisses her.
  • Therese asks Carol if she can sleep with her, and Carol points to the bed. It's a double bed, so it's not like they have any other choice.
  • They snuggle and kiss all night.
  • In the morning, Therese asks what town they're in.
  • It's called Waterloo. Bad for Napoleon, good for Therese and Carol.