The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 11 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Carol and Therese talk about Abby.
  • Therese is upset because she doesn't think Abby likes her.
  • Carol says Abby doesn't dislike her, but she is "incredibly clumsy sometimes in the way she talks" (11.22). Abby talking is the equivalent of slipping on a banana peel and knocking over an entire display of soup cans at a grocery store.
  • Therese still wonders about this mystery trip that Abby mentioned.
  • Carol says they should go on a road trip together, but Therese says no because it would cost money (she shouldn't have blown all that cash on a purse) and because she doesn't want to leave work.
  • They chat for a bit about Carol's family problems.
  • Her husband wants custody of their daughter, and his whole family doesn't like Carol and is against her.
  • Carol says Harge doesn't love her; he wants to control her.
  • Even though Therese said she couldn't afford the trip two pages ago, she changes her mind and says she has the money. She'll go.
  • Carol is delighted.
  • Therese decides to spend the night, so she gets naked and starts listening to music in Carol's husband's bedroom.
  • But Abby calls and wants to talk to Therese, so she puts on a robe.
  • Abby apologizes for being rude to Therese.
  • Therese hangs up the phone and goes back to listening to music with Carol.
  • Before bed, Therese asks Carol if she can kiss her goodnight.
  • Carol says no. Instead she gives her a check for $200 to pay for the trip.
  • Therese doesn't want it, so Carol tells her to tear it up.
  • But she doesn't—she leaves it on the table and goes to sleep.