The Power of One Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"God will punish you for this! 'He who plucks one hair from the head of a child of mine, it is as though he doeth this to me, thus sayeth the Lord.'" Pik Botha was shaking his finger at Big Hettie and panting away like the old yellow b**** I had met the previous night.

"Keep your preaching for the next prayer meeting at the Apostolic Faith Mission, you miserable little shithouse." (7.11-12)

Do you think that Pik Botha and Big Hettie are serious, or are they just exaggerating for a fun fight? They're being pretty harsh with each other, and their fight seems to be not just about religion, but also about how they go about showing off their religion.

Quote #2

My mother sighed. "There is so much to be done before He comes again and takes us to His glory." She turned to me. "We have a lovely Sunday School at the Apostolic Faith Mission. You are not too young to meet the Lord, to be born again, my boy. The Lord has a special place in His heart for His precious children." (8.22)

This quote is kind of ironic, given that Peekay had been tortured brutally as a "precious child." If Peekay ever needed a special place in the Lord's heart, it was when the Judge was doing all sorts of evil things to him; it's a little late for the Lord to come back to him now.

Quote #3

Big Hettie had said Pik was a born-again Christian and also that he belonged to the Apostolic Faith Mission. Her tone had implied that both situations left a great deal to be desired. How had my mother come to this? [. . .] What was the new language and who exactly was this person called the Lord? (8.26)

Poor Peekay has a lot to learn, and many nights of going to bed without supper won't be enough to teach him who the Lord is.