The Power of One Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

All children are flotsam driven by the ebb and flow of adult lives. (3.160)

This quote compares children to the stuff that floats in the ocean and adults to the ocean itself. That's not a very encouraging metaphor if you're looking for some control over your life. Just remember what Crush said in Finding Nemo: "Just go with the flow, dude."

Quote #2

As I sat on the rock high on my hill, and as the sun began to set over the bushveld, I grew up. Just like that. (8.98)

If only it were that easy! But no—several hundred pages to go, kiddos. The point is that growing up really was a one-minute-to-the-next thing for Peekay; it's when he decides to stand on his own two feet and never let anyone make him feel less again that he comes of age.

Quote #3

You may ask how a six-year-old could think like this. I can only answer that one did. (8.100)

Do you have memories of thinking profound thoughts as a small child? Do you think such a thing is possible? Or do you think that this is a moment where the narrator loses track of his childhood memories?