The Pearl Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He looked into his pearl to find his vision. "When we sell it at last, I will have a rifle," he said, and he looked into the shining surface for his rifle, but he saw only a huddled dark body on the ground with shining blood dripping from its throat. And he said quickly, "We will be married in a great church." And in the pearl he saw Juana with her beaten face crawling home through the night. "Our son must learn to read," he said frantically. And there in the pearl Coyotito's face, thick and feverish from the medicine.

And Kino thrust the pearl back into his clothing, and the music of the pearl had become sinister in his ears, and it was interwoven with the music of evil. (6.16 – 6.17)

Kino’s dreams have been polluted by the actions he has been forced to take in pursuing them.

Quote #11

Kino had a rifle across his arm and Juana carried her shawl like a sack over her shoulder. (6.100)

This passage really drives the message home: Kino has achieved his dream of having a rifle, but the price for this dream was the life of his son.