The Outsiders Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. […] I hope I never see him again or I will." (3.65)

Cherry likes dangerous, violent, good-looking guys, regardless of how much money they have. Why do you think she shares this info with Pony, and how might it make him feel?

Quote #5

I thought about writing about Dad, but I couldn't. It's going to be a long time before I can even think about my parents. (12.25)

When we read this line we realize why Ponyboy has hardly told us anything about his parents. Why do you think Pony can't think about his parents? What does it say about his strategy for dealing with grief? Would this work for you?

Quote #6

"He told me he loved her, but I guess she didn't love him like he thought she did, because it wasn't him." (12.39)

Darry assumes Sandy doesn't love Soda because she became pregnant by another man. Do you think he's right? Why or why not?