The Natural The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I was jinxed," Roy explained to her. "Something was keeping me out of my true form. Up at the plate I was blind as a bat and Wonderboy had the heebie jeebies. But when you stood up and I saw you with that red dress on and thought to myself she is with me even if nobody else is, it broke the whammy." (7.58)

Like we said, Roy thinks that Iris was the key to breaking his slump. He talks about being jinxed and having a whammy, words that Pop associates with Memo. Sure enough, it was his date with Memo that started Roy's slump. But seeing a woman in the stands who believes in him, which is precisely what Memo doesn't give him, is what gave Roy the confidence to get a hit.