The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing Awe and Amazement Quotes

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Quote #4

truly unequivocal (17)

Here's where Moore hammers home the awesomeness of the mind—there's absolutely no doubt about it, she's saying here. The mind is the cat's meow.

Quote #5

it is a power of
strong enchantment (19-20)

Now we're revisiting the enchantment thing. First we had "enchanting" (in the title), then moved to "enchanted," and now "enchantment." Moore is using all the forms of the word to demonstrate as clearly as possible the mind's power to delight.

Quote #6

It tears off the veil; tears
the temptation, the
mist the heart wears, (25-27)

Here's another example of the power of the mind. It's more powerful and reliable than the heart. We think the heart's gonna put up a fight on this one, but we're willing to side with Moore for the time being.