Minho Quotes


Quote 4

"We always have at least eight Runners, including the Keeper. One for each Section. It takes us a whole day to map out our area—hoping against hope there's an exit—then we come back and draw it up, a separate page for each day." Minho glanced over at one of the trunks. "That's why those things are shuck full of Maps." (32.49)

It's actually kind of amazing that there are eight kids there who want to explore as much as Thomas does. It must be a pretty strong urge to choose Running over peacefully playing in the gardens all day.

Minho > Thomas

Quote 5

"Better get as much of the Maze run as we can. With our new decorated sky, maybe other weird things have happened out there. We'll tell Newt and Alby about this tonight. Don't know how it helps, but at least we know now where the shuck Grievers go." […] Thomas sat and stared, waiting for Minho to make a move. Several minutes passed in silence and Thomas realized his friend must be as fascinated as he was." (35.35)

In all this staring, neither of them realized that it was the exit they'd been searching for?

Minho > Thomas

Quote 6

"Life in the Glade might not be sweet livin', but at least it's safe. Plenty of food, protection from the Grievers…" (32.61)

There's a certain amount of security that comes from routine. Although life in captivity isn't optimal, it can have its benefits. They aren't dealing with the Flare, after all.