Memory Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[The Changing] brings back memories. Just little snippets, but definite memories of before we came to this horrible place. Anyone who goes through it acts like a bloody psycho when it's over—although usually not as bad as poor Ben. Anyway, it's like being given your old life back, only to have it snatched away again." (23.27)

No wonder Gally's so grumpy. The Changing sounds pretty awful. It's like being told that you're on your way to Disney World, and then your mom pulls into the parking lot of the dentist's office and says "Gotcha!" (Thanks, Mom.)

Quote #5

Newt pushed open the door, the slight creak once again reminding Thomas of some vague childhood memory of haunted-house movies. There it was again—the smallest glimpse at his past. He could remember movies, but not the actor's faces or with whom he'd watched them. He could remember theaters, but not what any specific one looked like. It was impossible to explain how that felt, even to himself. (27.8)

There're some movies we wish we could forget, areweright? Eh? Eh? :::cough, cough::: Spiderman 3 :::cough, cough:::

Quote #6

"I know you don't remember anything, Thomas! Quit sayin' that—don't ever say it again. None of us remember anything, and we're bloody sick of you reminding us. The point is there's something different about you and it's time we figured it out." (28.27)

To be fair, Thomas is kind of like a broken record. But come on—he's only been there a few days at this point, while everyone else has had some time to adjust to this strange situation. Maybe if they answered some of his questions he'd quit belly-achin' so much.