Manipulation Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I think he's a spy from the people who put us here." […] "We can't trust this shank," he continued. […] "There's too many weird things going on, and it all started when this shuck-face Greenie showed up. And he just happens to be the first person to survive a night out in the Maze. Something ain't right," (24.50-54)

When you know you're being played with, it's hard to trust anybody. It's also pretty easy to lay the blame on the nearest scapegoat. That goat really should avoid these situations.

Quote #5

"You-" Alby started, then suddenly grabbed his own throat, making gurgly choking sounds. His legs kicked out and he rolled onto his side, thrashing back and forth as if someone else were trying to strangle him […] Alby looked up, eyes droopy, as if he was on the edge of slipping into a deep sleep. "I'm sorry, Newt," he whispered. "Don't know what happened. It was like… something was controlling my body. (27.36, 47)

The Creators just did their best impersonation of an obnoxious older sibling: "Quit hittin' yourself! Quit hittin' yourself! Hahaha!"

Quote #6

"If anything, gives us even more reason to get our butts out there. If the sun's really gone, won't be long before plants and animals drop dead, too. I think the desperation level just went up a notch." (34. 27)

The definition of manipulation is to "control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage." The Creators are pretty good at it, no? By upping the desperation level, they are forcing the boys into more desperate reactions.