The Matrix Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Matrix.

Quote #4

TRINITY: That is not true Cypher. [Morpheus] set us free.

CYPHER: Free? You call this free? All I do is what he tells me to do. If I got to choose between that and the Matrix, I choose the Matrix.

Cypher is actually a lot like Neo. He has a problem with authority. His main reason for wanting to be reinserted is his hatred for Morpheus. He can't stand that the person who 'tricked' him into taking the red pill gets to order him around all day. Of course, Cypher has been in the real world for nine years, you'd a thought he would have signed up for a job in Zion if the Nebuchadnezzar was really that bad. Maybe he's not too bright after all.

Quote #5

SMITH: In one life you're Thomas A. Anderson. Program writer for a respectable software company… Your other life is lived in computers where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every crime we have a law for.

It's easy to forget who Neo started out as (or at least who is residual self-image started out as). He is rebellious and curious by nature, unafraid of bending the rules to make money selling illegal information, or maybe just for the purpose of undermining authority and breaking the rules. Maybe this is why Neo excels in combat in the Matrix. His mind is used to looking for ways around the natural order of a system and exploiting rules for his own benefit.