Perseverance Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Before I was in contact with NASA, I would have worked more than eight hours. [...] But NASA's got a lot of nervous Nellies who don't want me out longer than spec. (17.71)

Careful now, bro. A few days later, Mark proves NASA's point by straining his back lugging rocks around, which puts him out of commission for a solid week. Mark is so close to the finish line that it would be downright silly to screw things up now. Perseverance is important, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use your head.

Quote #5

My guess is pockets of ice formed around some of the bacteria [...] Life is amazingly tenacious. They don't want to die any more than I do. (17.89)

Mark's will to survive is hardwired into his DNA. He's operating off pure instinct, doing the same thing that any living creature would do in his situation. Of course, he has the benefit of modern technology and his handy spacesuits, so at least he has a leg up on the competition.

Quote #6

"My people have especially commented on the work ethic of your man, Mitch Henderson. He is very dedicated."
"He's a pain in the ass," Teddy said. (19.59-60)

Mitch is the single most tenacious individual we come across in The Martian. This attitude makes him a lot of enemies: after all, no one likes to be called out on a daily basis. What no one can dispute, however, is his fire. He won't let anything get in the way of achieving his mission—even his coworkers' feelings.