Isolation Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If he's lost hope, he won't care about survival. His only concern will be making it to the radio." (8.147)

For many, prolonged isolation can be a one-way ticket to crazy-town. Mark never goes bonkers (luckily, they didn't bring any volleyballs along for the trip), but the possibility is a very real one.

Quote #5

Jesus Christ, I'd give anything for a five-minute conversation with anyone. Anyone, anywhere. About anything. (9.42-43)

By now, this whole isolation thing is getting to Mark's head. Although he's dealing with life-or-death situations on a constant basis, his biggest concern is hanging out with people. Anyone can get used to living in a dangerous environment, but there isn't a human alive who can get used to being alone.

Quote #6

This was an insane plan and somehow it worked! I'm going to be talking to someone again. I spent three months as the loneliest man in history and it's finally over. (11.23)

Getting in contact in NASA is a big deal—the only thing bigger would be if Mark stumbled across a fully-fueled, state-of-the-art Martian spaceship. His situation is still as terrifying as ever—and his odds for survival are still catastrophically low—but now he has reason to hope. Hope can be a powerful thing.