Ares 3 Crew (Commander Lewis, Martinez, Johansen, Beck, Vogel) Quotes

"Seems needlessly dangerous."
"Coming to Mars was needlessly dangerous," Lewis said. "What's your point?" (12.35-36)

Nobody had any illusions about the Ares 3 mission. Mars is a dangerous place, and each crewmember needed to make peace with the possibility of not making it home alive.

"Don't get me wrong," Robert quickly added. "I understand why you're doing all this. Still, from a selfish point of view, I miss my wife." (19.7)

Robert's in a tough position. On one hand, he just wants his old lady to be home, presumably so they can snuggle in bed and listen to "Dancing Queen" on repeat. On the other, he wants to respect her space. Commander Lewis doesn't seem like the type of woman who would budge either way.

"What happens if the probe fails, Beth?" her father asked.
"Everyone would die but me," she said. "They'd all take pills and die." (19.167)

This is so heavy that we can't bear to even joke about it. Still, it shows how determined the Hermes crew is—they're getting Mark back, no matter the cost. They would rather give up their lives than leave their friend behind, which is simultaneously disturbing and heart-warming.